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Common Core
Barbara Blackburn
The Common Core State Standards and Rigor
Meets ISLLC Standard 1
December 1, 2011
An overlooked aspect of the new CCSS is that while the standards set rigorous benchmarks, their impact on student learning will depend entirely upon their implementation. We cannot assume that simply adopting the Common Core state standards will provide a rigorous environment for students. True rigor, as Dr. Barbara Blackburn explains in this segment, encompasses high expectations for student learning and increased support so students can learn at higher level.
Barbara Blackburn is the author of numerous books for school leaders. Click on either book cover for further information.
Dr. Barbara R. Blackburn is the author of numerous books, including the bestseller Rigor is a NOT a Four-Letter Word. She has taught early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school students and has served as an educational consultant for three publishing companies. Barbara holds a master’s degree in school administration and is certified as a school principal in North Carolina. In addition to speaking at state and national conferences, she also regularly presents workshops for teachers and administrators in elementary, middle, and high schools. Her website is www.barbarablackburnonline.com
Posted in Common Core, December 2011, Teaching & Learning |