Dr. Scott Norton, a long time school leader and professor of educational leadership and co-author of the new book, The Principal as Student Advocate, joins us this month to talk about the topic of student advocacy from the viewpoint of school leaders. In this segment, Dr. Norton explains what true student advocacy from a principal’s perspective really means and what behaviors, attitudes and beliefs school administrators who truly are student advocates most commonly possess.
Administration & Leadership
Scott Norton
The Principal As Student Advocate
Doing What's Best for All Students
Meets ISLLC Standard 3
January 1, 2012
Dr. M. Scott Norton is a former public-school teacher, curriculum coordinator, associate superintendent, and superintendent of schools. He served as professor and vice-chairman of the Department of Educational Administration at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and as professor and chairman of the Department of Educational Administration and Policy Studies at Arizona State University, where he presently is professor emeritus.