Amy Benjamin is a nationally recognized consultant specializing in improving student performance through literacy in all subject areas. She has given workshops, courses, and keynotes throughout the United States and Canada, and is the co-author of the new book, Big Skills for the Common Core. In this segment, Benjamin discusses the literacy skills that students must develop under the Common Core State Standards and why incorporating literacy skills into all subject areas is an essential part of the process.
Teaching & Learning
Amy Benjamin
Literacy Skills and the Common Core
Meets ISLLC Standard 2
January 1, 2013
Amy Benjamin, a veteran English teacher, trains educators throughout the country in writing across the curriculum, strategic literacy, and differentiated instruction. She has received awards for excellence in teaching from the New York State English Council, Tufts University, and Union College. As president of the Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar, an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of English, she is a leading authority on effective ways for teaching both academic and creative writing.
Posted in January 2013, Teaching & Learning Leave a comment