With high-stakes accountability and the ever-increasing demands placed on school leaders, the job of the principal has become more difficult than it’s ever been. Kathleen Sciarappa joins us to make the case for principal mentoring – what it is, why it’s needed, and how it can help both new and experienced principals. Sciarappa has 26 years of experience as an elementary and middle school principal and has received numerous awards for her work. Currently active as a mentor and educational consultant, she coordinates a statewide mentor program for school leaders in New Hampshire and coaches principals and provides mentor training across the country.
Administration & Leadership
Kathleen Sciarappa
Making the Case for Principal Mentoring
Meets ISLLC Standard 3
April 6, 2013
Useful Links
Visit NAESP's website to learn more about their National Mentor Training and Certification program.
Currently active as a NAESP mentor trainer and coach for school leaders, an adjunct professor and educational consultant, Dr. Kathleen Sciarappa coordinates a statewide mentor program in New Hampshire, facilitates the NH Principals Network and guides aspiring leaders. A published author, Dr. Sciarappa enjoyed 26 years as a principal! She now coaches principals; supervises graduate students; teaches at the university level; and consults with school districts on transformational models to improve schools.
Posted in Administration & Leadership, February 2013, Mentoring Leave a comment