How can school leaders make higher expectations for all students a reality? It begins with making the classroom a far more rigorous place. Barbara Blackburn, an authority on rigor, joins us to provide her insights into the topic this month. Dr. Blackburn is the author of numerous books, including Rigor in Your School: A Toolkit for Leaders, and in this segment she discusses five specific tools that principals can focus on to increase rigor in the classroom.
Teaching & Learning
Barbara Blackburn
5 Tools for Principals to Increase Rigor
Meets ISLLC Standard 1
April 1, 2013
Dr. Barbara R. Blackburn is the author of numerous books, including Rigor in Your School: A Toolkit for Leaders. She has taught early childhood, elementary, middle, and high school students and has served as an educational consultant for three publishing companies. In addition to speaking at state and national conferences, she also regularly presents workshops for teachers and administrators in elementary, middle, and high schools. Visit Barbara's website for more information.
Posted in April 2013, Teaching & Learning Leave a comment