Teaching & Learning

Larry Ferlazzo

Self-Driven Learning and Student Motivation

Meets ISLLC Standard 2

Self-Driven Learning: Teaching Strategies for Student Motivation

Paperback, 224 pages
Published by Routledge
Purchase a copy of the book

Efforts to improve our schools are typically focused on teaching, curriculum, and testing, but ignore a critical piece of the puzzle—the students. In this segment, Larry Ferlazzo, author of the book, Self-Driven Learning: Teaching Strategies for Student Motivation, joins us to talk about what it takes to create intrinsic motivation in our students and how school leaders and teachers can engage students so they care about wanting to learn.

Larry Ferlazzo

Larry Ferlazzo teaches high school English and social studies to English language learners and mainstream students, writes a popular education blog and a monthly column for The New York Times, and is the author of four previous books.

Posted in September 2013, Teaching & Learning | 2 Comments