December 2014 Issue

Education & Public Policy

Educational Leadership and the 21st Century Dilemma of Difference

With Kendra Johnson

For the first time this fall, Hispanic, African-American and Asian children constitute the majority of students in America’s public schools. The research tell us, though, that most school are not effectively serving children of color, children from low-income families, and other marginalized student groups as well as they could. To discuss the issue and the steps that school leaders can take to make their schools more equitable, we’re joined by Kendra Johnson, co-author of the book When Treating All the Kids the SAME Is the REAL Problem. Continue

Posted in December 2014, Education & Public Policy | Leave a comment
Teaching & Learning

Building Trust in Teacher Evaluations

With Shelly Arneson

As all school leaders know, evaluations play an important role in keeping teachers accountable. But if the goal of teacher evaluations is ultimately to improve teacher practice, then administrators must learn to communicate more effectively with teachers and staff in order to build trust into the evaluation process. Continue

Posted in December 2014, Teaching & Learning | Leave a comment
Teaching & Learning

Teacher Professional Development Survey

With Sarah Quesenberry

What type of professional development do most teachers prefer? Sarah Quesenberry, the associate director of online professional learning at Corwin Publishing, recently put that question to 12,000 teachers and she joins us to share the results of her survey. Continue

Posted in December 2014, Teaching & Learning | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

Strategies for School Leaders Managing Your Time, The Leader as Learner, and Embracing "And" Over "Or"

With Pam Robbins and Harvey Alvy

How can principals user their fragmented time as an asset? Pam Robbins and Harvey Alvy co-authors of The Principal’s Companion: Strategies to Lead Schools for Student and Teacher Success, join us this month to share several successful strategies for school leaders. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, December 2014 | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

Strategically Spending Federal Entitlement Grants Making the Connection to District Priorities

With Karla Baehr

Ensuring that federal entitlement grants are thoughtfully allocated to support strategic priorities is an often-overlooked opportunity for many districts. Karla Baehr, co-author of the book Spending Money Wisely: Getting the Most from School District Budgets, joins us to provide several strategies that districts can employ to spend these grants more effectively. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, December 2014 | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying

With Justin Patchin

According to research conducted by Justin Patchin, one in four students in the U.S. has experienced cyberbullying. Patchin is the co-author of the book Bullying Beyond the Schoolyard: Preventing and Responding to Cyberbullying and he joins us to talk about the latest research on cyberbullying and what actions school leaders can take to prevent and respond to this important issue. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, December 2014 | 1 Comment
Administration & Leadership

21st Century Schools and the Route to Career Readiness

With Lyn Sharratt and Gale Harild

Educators have talked for many years about the concept of 21st century skills, but how can school leaders and teachers create innovative schools that truly provide those skills to all students? Lyn Sharrat and Gale Harild, co-authors of Good to Great to Innovate: Recalculating the Route to Career Readiness, join us to discuss the topic. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, December 2014 | Leave a comment