April 2013 Issue

Education & Public Policy

The Multiplier Effect: Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools

Leadership meeting

With Liz Wiseman and Elise Foster

Why are some school leaders able to double their team’s effectiveness, while others seem to drain the energy right out of the room? To explore that question, and talk about how to bring out the best in your colleagues and staff, we’re joined this month by Liz Wiseman and Elise Foster, co-authors of the new book, The Multiplier Effect: Tapping the Genius Inside Our Schools. Continue

Posted in April 2013, Education & Public Policy, Education Thought Leaders, Main Interview | 6 Comments
Administration & Leadership

Responding to Adult Bullying in Schools

Adult Bullying

With Kathleen Sciarappa

When adult bullying occurs in schools, the results can be corrosive and demoralizing. Kathleen Sciarappa, an award-winning former principal with over 26 years of experience as a school leader, joins us to talk about adult bullying in schools, how it impacts the climate of the whole school, and offers a variety of suggestions for dealing with the problem. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, April 2013 | Leave a comment
Digital Learning & Technology

Social Media for School Leaders

Social Media

With Brian Dixon

Brian Dixon, author of Social Media for School Leaders, joins us to talk about how social media plays an essential role in helping school leaders to keep students, teachers, and the entire school community engaged in the educational process. Continue

Posted in April 2013, Digital Learning & Technology | Leave a comment
Teaching & Learning

A School Leader’s Guide to Improving Teacher Quality

Elementary Students

With Candi McKay

Candi McKay, author of the new book, You Don't Have to Be Bad to Get Better: A Leader's Guide to Improving Teacher Quality, joins us to discuss how to bring out the best in teachers through strong instructional leadership, and to talk about the role that school leaders need to play if we are to create and sustain a learning environment where all students can succeed. Continue

Posted in April 2013, Teaching & Learning | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

3 Ways to Help “Loners” and Improve School Safety


With Dr. Nancy Rappaport

After the recent tragedy in Newtown, CT many school leaders may wonder if some of the adolescents in their buildings are capable of similar acts. Dr. Nancy Rappaport, a child psychiatrist and associate professor at Harvard Medical School, joins us to talk about "loners," and explain why it's imperative that schools reach out and support these shy, socially awkward students. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, April 2013 | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

Inspiring the Next Generation of School Leaders

Melissa Patschke

With Melissa Patschke

The role of the principal is more critical than ever to the success of education and there is a real need for school systems to identify, attract and retain new principals who are strong leaders and understand teaching and learning. Melissa Patschke, a twenty-five year veteran of public education, joins us to discuss how current school leaders can inspire and encourage the next generation of principals. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, April 2013 | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

Stop Looking in the Traditional Places for Budget Savings

Money falling

With Nathan Levenson

Nate Levenson, author of the book, Smarter Budgets, Smarter Schools, joins us to talk about how schools need to start thinking differently when it comes to budgets and discusses the big opportunities in three budget areas that tend to get the least amount of scrutiny in most districts. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, April 2013 | Leave a comment
Teaching & Learning

5 Tools for Principals to Increase Rigor

Tech in Classroom

With Barbara Blackburn

How can school leaders make higher expectations for all students a reality? It begins with making the classroom a far more rigorous place. Barbara Blackburn, an authority on rigor, joins us to provide her insights into the topic this month. Continue

Posted in April 2013, Teaching & Learning | Leave a comment