January 2012 Issue

Education & Public Policy

Surpassing Shanghai What Can We Learn From the World’s Best-Performing Education Systems?

Marc Tucker

With Marc Tucker

Marc Tucker, president of the National Center on Education and the Economy in Washington, DC and the editor of the new book, Surpassing Shanghai, joins us to talk about what the world's best education systems look like and how they compare with the U.S. The top education systems in the world – Shanghai in China, Singapore, Japan, Finland and Ontario, Canada – don't use any of the methods that are widespread in the U.S. such as high-stakes testing, charter schools, or evaluating teachers based on test scores, yet they consistently score at the top of the international exams. What can we learn from these countries and can their methods work here? Continue

Posted in Education & Public Policy, Education Thought Leaders, January 2012 | Leave a comment
Teaching & Learning

How Parent Involvement Affects Student Achievement

With Patte Barth

Most school leaders would agree that parent involvement is a key element in school success. But for all the PTA meetings, volunteering, and back-to-school nights, does parent involvement actually contribute to the success of students? In this segment, Patte Barth, … Continue

Posted in January 2012, Teaching & Learning | Leave a comment
Digital Learning & Technology

Prioritizing Digital Fluency For Students and Teachers

Technology in the Classroom

With Stephanie Sandifer

In this month’s digital learning segment, we talk with Stephanie Sandifer, an educational technology expert and author of the bestselling book, Wikis for School Leaders. Continue

Posted in Digital Learning & Technology, January 2012 | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

Leading for Instructional Improvement

Leading for Instructional Improvement

With Stephen Fink

Dr. Stephen Fink, Executive Director of the Center for Educational Leadership at the University of Washington, joins us to talk about school leadership, instructional improvement and what school leaders need to do in order to dramatically improve the quality of instruction in every school and classroom. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, January 2012 | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

The Principal As Student Advocate Doing What's Best for All Students

The Principal as Student Advocate

With Scott Norton

Dr. Scott Norton, a long time school leader and professor of educational leadership and co-author of the new book, The Principal as Student Advocate, joins us this month to talk about the topic of student advocacy from the viewpoint of school leaders. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, January 2012 | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

Leading Change: Step-by-Step

With Jody Spiro

The subject of leading change is of paramount importance for school leaders these days. Knowing where to start, how to win support and cope with resistance, and how to institutionalize the change initiative are just a few of the essential … Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, January 2012 | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

What Works: Strategies to End the High School Dropout Epidemic

Dropout Report Cover

With Robert Balfanz

Dr. Robert Balfanz of Johns Hopkins Univ. joins us to talk about the new report, Progress and Challenge in Ending the High School Dropout Epidemic, and some of the successful solutions being used around the country to raise high school graduation rates. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, January 2012 | Leave a comment