November 2012 Issue

Education & Public Policy

The Quest for Educational Excellence

With Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley

Internationally recognized education experts Andy Hargreaves and Dennis Shirley join us to take a fresh look at what's working in the best school systems around the world and how those strategies can serve as a model for
American educators. Continue

Posted in Education & Public Policy, Education Thought Leaders, Main Interview, November 2012 | Leave a comment
Digital Learning & Technology

Social Media and the Six Pillars of Leadership 2.0

With Eric Sheninger

Eric Sheninger outlines his Six Pillars of Leadership 2.0 in this segment and explains how social media can help school leaders to improve communications and public relations, create a brand for your school or district, enable professional growth and development, enhance student engagement and learning, and create new opportunities for schools and students. Continue

Posted in Digital Learning & Technology, November 2012 | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

What Does It Mean to Be a Good Instructional Leader?

With Karin Chenoweth

Karin Chenoweth studied 33 principals at 24 successful schools to find out what it takes to be a good instructional leader. In this segment, Chenoweth traces the success of these schools to school leaders who are instructional leaders first and foremost, who understand what good teaching looks like, and who make teaching and support of their teachers a priority. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, November 2012 | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

Identifying and Dealing With Marginal and Incompetent Teachers

With Sally Zepeda

According to national statistics, between 5 and 15% of teachers are marginal or incompetent. We know what a positive effect good teachers have on students, but what about the damage done by the marginal and incompetent teachers? Sally Zepeda joins us to discuss the topic and how school leaders can identify and deal with the issue. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, November 2012 | Leave a comment
Administration & Leadership

Pursuing Excellence: Keys to a People Strategy

With Richard Sagor

Research shows that the single variable that makes the most difference in student performance is the quality of the teacher. But what's the best way to retain good teachers, enhance their skills and keep them motivated? Richard Sagor, co-author of the book The Relentless Pursuit of Excellence, explains that having a “people strategy” is the key. Continue

Posted in Administration & Leadership, November 2012 | Leave a comment
Teaching & Learning

World Class Learners: Educating Creative and Entrepreneurial Students

With Yong Zhao

To succeed in the new global economy, students need to be able to think like entrepreneurs and be resourceful, flexible, creative, and think globally, but how can we turn out students with these skills in a world driven by high stakes testing and standardized curriculums? Yong Zhao joins us to explore the issue. Continue

Posted in November 2012, Teaching & Learning | 1 Comment
Teaching & Learning

Effort: How to Get Students to Work Harder

With Howard Pitler

We tell kids that if they want to succeed in school they need to work harder, but what does working harder really mean? Howard Pitler explains in this segment that teachers can get students to work harder by clearly defining what effort means and why helping students to see the connection between effort and achievement is essential. Continue

Posted in November 2012, Teaching & Learning | Leave a comment
Teaching & Learning

The Common Core: Teaching Students to Dig Deeper

With Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson, author of the book, Teaching Students to Dig Deeper: The Common Core in Action joins us to talk about why students must learn how to be curious and opportunistic and, as the title of his new book suggests, "dig deeper," if we wish to increase the number of college and career-ready graduates. Continue

Posted in November 2012, Teaching & Learning | Leave a comment