January 2013 Issue
Great Teaching
With Jim Knight
The most important influence on student achievement is the teacher, but as Jim Knight, our guest for this month's main interview points out, “the key to improving student achievement isn't more teacher time—it's more teacher impact.” Teacher impact, of course, really means great teaching. As teacher evaluation sweeps across the country, the question remains, of course, what is great teaching and how do we get more of our teachers to become great teachers? Jim Knight joins us to talk about the topic of teaching and what it takes to get great at it. Continue
Violence in Student Writing

With Gretchen Oltman
Is violent student writing a predictor of violence? At what point should violent student expression be considered a legitimate threat? Gretchen Oltman, an experienced educator and attorney, and author of the book, Violence in Student Writing: A School Administrator's Guide, joins us to talk about the topic and how school leaders should respond. Continue
21st Century Skills Are Essential Skills

With Eric Sheninger
Integrating 21st century skills remains an elusive goal for most school districts, despite the fact that these are the essential skills that students need today to succeed in college and careers. Eric Sheninger, principal at New Milford High School in New Milford, NJ joins us to discuss what schools can do to change this situation and the benefits of doing so. Continue
I Bought an iPad, Now What?
With Jared Covili
Jared Covili, a professional development expert at the Utah Education Network, has some great tips for us this month for using iPads as a creation and presentation tool for teachers and students, as a great way to help teachers manage the classroom, and as a productivity tool for school leaders. Continue
Effective School Budgets

With Richard Sorenson and Lloyd Goldsmith
In a world of fiscal restraint, what role and expectations should school leaders have when it comes to budgeting? Rick Sorenson and Lloyd Goldsmith, co-authors of the bestseller, The Principal's Guide to School Budgeting, join us to talk about why building a budget is about much more than just the numbers. Continue
Responding to School Avoidance

With Dr. Nancy Rappaport
A student's refusal to attend part or all of the school day, along with a large number of unexcused absences, represents an increasingly frustrating and complex problem for schools. Child psychiatrist Dr. Nancy Rappaport joins us to explain the early warning signs and the four primary factors that lead to truancy, and discusses why positive supports go a long way towards helping these students. Continue
School Systems That Learn
With Paul Ash and John D'Auria
Why is it that even high-performing districts can’t close achievement gaps? Paul Ash, superintendent of the Lexington Public Schools in Lexington, MA and John D’Auria, the president of Teachers21, join us to discuss how schools can improve student achievement by … Continue
Literacy Skills and the Common Core
Amy Benjamin is a nationally recognized consultant specializing in improving student performance through literacy in all subject areas. She has given workshops, courses, and keynotes throughout the United States and Canada, and is the co-author of the new book, Big … Continue