Teaching & Learning
School Leaders and the Common Core
James Bellanca is nationally recognized as a practical innovator and as a leading advocate for 21st century skills. Jim is co-author of the book The School Leader’s Guide to the Common Core, and in this segment he outlines the practices … Continue
The 12 Touchstones of Good Teaching
with Bryan Goodwin and Elizabeth Hubbell
Checklists are an essential tool for managing complex tasks and are indispensable for airline pilots and surgeons. But how about for teachers? Can a checklist help teachers keep their classroom practice focused on the hallmarks of effective instruction? Bryan Goodwin … Continue
Teacher Rounds and Collaborative Learning
Medical rounds are a staple in teaching hospitals. Could a similar model enhance the professional learning of teachers? Tom Del Prete, author of Teacher Rounds: A Guide to Collaborative Learning In and From Practice, joins us to explain what teacher … Continue
Self-Driven Learning and Student Motivation

with Larry Ferlazzo
Efforts to improve our schools are typically focused on teaching, curriculum, and testing, but ignore a critical piece of the puzzle—the students. In this segment, Larry Ferlazzo, author of the book, Self-Driven Learning: Teaching Strategies for Student Motivation, joins us to talk about what it takes to create intrinsic motivation in our students. Continue
Rigor for Students with Special Needs

with Barbara Blackburn and Brad Witzel
The Common Core and updated state standards require a far more rigorous approach to teaching and learning for all students, but as rigor increases in our classrooms, where does this leave our special needs students? Continue
Teacher Inquiry and the Common Core

with Nancy Fichtman Dana
Nancy Fichtman Dana, co-author of the book,Inquiring Into the Common Core, joins us to explain the value of teacher inquiry—the systematic, intentional study by teachers of their own practice—in implementing the Common Core. Continue
The Opportunity Culture: Extending Great Teaching

Research shows that, on average, students who have the best teachers make about three times more progress than students who have the least effective teachers. Bryan Hassel, co-director of Public Impact, joins us to explain how to create an Opportunity Culture in schools, where the excellent teachers are able to reach many more students and these teachers are rewarded with higher pay within the existing budget. Continue
Unlocking the Doors to Top Teacher Performance

Improving school performance begins with school leaders who are motivated instructional leaders, but it won’t get far without teachers who are also highly engaged. So how do you get your teachers to become engaged? Award-winning principal and leadership expert Cathie … Continue
Evaluating America’s Teachers
As teacher evaluation becomes a reality around the country, all school leaders must address a fundamental concern: what do sound teacher evaluation practices actually look like? What does it take to provide balanced, accurate and rigorous evaluations that take into … Continue
5 Tools for Principals to Increase Rigor

How can school leaders make higher expectations for all students a reality? It begins with making the classroom a far more rigorous place. Barbara Blackburn, an authority on rigor, joins us to provide her insights into the topic this month. Continue
A School Leader’s Guide to Improving Teacher Quality

Candi McKay, author of the new book, You Don't Have to Be Bad to Get Better: A Leader's Guide to Improving Teacher Quality, joins us to discuss how to bring out the best in teachers through strong instructional leadership, and to talk about the role that school leaders need to play if we are to create and sustain a learning environment where all students can succeed. Continue
Character Education and Student Success
Is character development important to student success and can schools actually teach character? Scott Seider, the author of the book, Character Compass: How Powerful School Culture Can Point Students Toward Success, joins us to talk about why character matters and how character education supports positive student outcomes. Continue
Answers to Essential Questions About Grading

Thomas Guskey, co-author of the new book, Answers to Essential Questions About Standards, Assessments, Grading, and Reporting joins us to discuss why many grading practices leave much to be desired when it comes to helping students to succeed. Continue
Supporting Teachers with the Common Core

Sarah Tantillo joins us to offer some very practical advice for school leaders as they implement the Common Core, especially as it relates to supporting teachers as they unpack the new standards and begin to understand what the standards mean both literally and for instructional purposes. Continue
Failure is Not an Option, It’s a Necessity

Everyone fears failure —students, teachers and school leaders—and we all do our best to avoid it at all costs. But as Ron Krause explains in this segment, failure is an integral part of learning. Ron was a successful principal for over 25 years and now serves as a nationally certified principal mentor, a national coach for principals completing their certification in mentoring, and an adjunct instructor at Lewis University. Continue
Developing a Growth Mindset in Students and Teachers

John D’Auria, President of Teachers21, an organization working to ensure that all students learn from effective and caring teachers and that competent and persistent leaders guide every school, joins us to talk about the topic of developing a growth mindset in students and teachers. Continue
Supporting Learners With the Common Core
Barbara Blackburn joins us to talk about some of the issues that the Common Core State Standards raise when it comes to providing support and scaffolding. Along with the rigor that the new standards bring, there are going to be gaps that have to be addressed between what is taught now and what teachers will be expected to teach, as well as the lack of prior knowledge that will impact most students as the new standards are phased in. Continue
Literacy Skills and the Common Core
Amy Benjamin is a nationally recognized consultant specializing in improving student performance through literacy in all subject areas. She has given workshops, courses, and keynotes throughout the United States and Canada, and is the co-author of the new book, Big … Continue
School Systems That Learn
with Paul Ash and John D'Auria
Why is it that even high-performing districts can’t close achievement gaps? Paul Ash, superintendent of the Lexington Public Schools in Lexington, MA and John D’Auria, the president of Teachers21, join us to discuss how schools can improve student achievement by … Continue
Instructional Leadership: Saying No to Business as Usual

Drawing on 35 years of experience as a teacher and principal, Dr. Alan Jones believes that if school leaders truly want to improve schools they can no longer perform their jobs as if it were business as usual. The traditional view of instructional leadership sees it primarily as a management function, but Jones challenges school leaders instead to look at instructional leadership as an educational function. Continue